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Vanessa Tan (She/Her)

Hello, I'm Vanessa. I'm an Educational and Developmental Psychologist and neurodivergent. My special focus is supporting Autistic and ADHD individuals, particularly those with high-masking presentations (often seen in but not exclusive to women). I'm regularly involved in peer supervision with neuro-affirming colleagues from different disciplines, and I've co-facilitated peer support groups for neurodivergent mental health professionals across Australia. During in-person sessions, I'm accompanied by my little but greatly loved therapy dog, Mikro.

I'm passionate about advocating for the neurodivergent community towards greater acceptance and equity, dog training and welfare, and caring for my four dogs. My pastimes involve playing my favourite video games: Assassin's Creed and Skyrim, memorising dinosaur facts that I'll never use, and trying to keep houseplants alive. 

Vanessa Tan and therapy dogs

Qualifications and Memberships

   Master of Psychology (Educational and Developmental), Monash University

   Member of the Australian Association of Psychologists Inc (AAPi)

   Full Member of the Australian ADHD Professionals Association (AADPA)

   Certified Advanced Multidog Handler (Lead the Way Institute)

The Therapy Dogs

Mikro is a Shih Tzu who loves cuddles, pats, and treats (shamelessly). He is affectionate, sensitive, and very gentle. He can also be sneaky with his affection so look out for that tongue! His memory isn't great, his attention can be scattered, and he might be confused about what's expected of him, but he'll always try his best to do right by others. When he's not working, he loves chasing ducks, going on walks, and sniffing all the trees. He continues to love working with his clients during in-person sessions.



   Advanced Therapy Dog Certification (Lead the Way Institute)

   A very good boy

Megiddo (or Megi) is an Irish Wolfhound with a heart as big as herself. She's always had an old soul and is generally languorous but can have a focus that's not easily broken. Megiddo has been a wonderful therapy dog but, with age, she began expressing a desire to remain home. Prioritising her welfare, Vanessa retired her in 2024. She now spends her days lounging on the couch in front of the TV, going for long, gentle walks, then going home to lie down again. Getting up is hard work when you're a big dog!​




   Advanced Therapy Dog Certification (Lead the Way Institute)

   A generally good girl

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